Finding What Is Real

My purpose in writing is simply this: that you who believe in God’s Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life, the reality and not the illusion. And how bold and free we then become in his presence, freely asking according to his will, sure that he’s listening. And if we’re confident that he’s listening, we know that what we’ve asked for is as good as ours. I John 5:13-15 (the Message)

This week, I came across a profound question in my reading: “Have you ever wondered why oranges are often sold in those strange red net bags?” Well maybe a bit less than profound, and if you are like me, really hadn’t given any thought to it. According to the writer the reason why “it’s a sneaky trick used by food producers and supermarkets to fool your senses and (Hopefully) make you buy more fruit.”

The red mesh creates an illusion that the oranges are more colorful and thus tastier than they will be at home. The colorful net downplays the unripeness of the fruit. The same principle applies to lemons which are put in yellow bags to enhance their natural color. “The principle is based on the confetti illusion, a visual phenomenon where the perception of colors is strongly influenced by its surrounding context.”  (Tom Hale)

Hale further quoted Psychologist Karl R. Gegenfurtner who released a study in i-Perception, “We conclude that color assimilation alone provides a strong effect on color appearance, turning the greenish looking orange into a beautifully orange one…Looking around in typical supermarkets, it is easy to see that fruits and vegetables are typically packaged in nets that are of the color of perfect exemplars…The paper explains that the confetti illusion is based on the principle that our brains are programmed to process peripheral vision and color perception.”

I have always been fascinated by illusionist’s or magicians’ shows, watching closely to see if I could figure out how they did what they did. The acts of David Copperfield, Penn and Teller, or Siegfried and Roy can’t help but leave you mesmerized. The greats, such as Harry Houdini and Howard Thurston, changed the entertainment scene with their shows. Illusionists are masters of diverting your attention from reality, thinking what is, isn’t really. Smoke-and-mirrors tricks, sleight-of-hand card tricks, flashing lights, and bursts of fire all draw your attention away from what is real.

Unfortunately, the illusionists of life are not always limited to a 30-minute routine on stage. We are exposed to master illusionists in life similar to the red nets that oranges are bagged in to create a false reality.  The same things happen daily in our world.

I watched bits of both political conventions over this last month and occasionally I felt both parties had illusionists on the stage. You realize what you see is not always reality, but a perception of reality. Often it comes down to what we want to see.

“Illusions are false perceptions, and delusions are when we believe those perceptions. A delusion is when we are under the spell of an illusion, under the spell of a lie that is perceived as truth.” (Joe & Erin Pinto)

Politicians can be master illusionists, telling us what we want to hear or what we think we want to hear. Advertisers have been masters illusionists for years telling us if we do this exercise or routine, we can have an amazing body; if we eat this food, we can get rid of unwanted fat or improve this health problem; or if we…. you name it. The illusion of beauty, success, or power fills our social media accounts daily.

So, what is real? What is only an illusion? Satan uses the same set of tricks that a great illusionist would use, to divert our attention from what is real, what is truth, and what is God-centered. We read in Matthew 4 of his attempts to divert Jesus with his sleight of hand, creating an illusion that would lead to death. The same tactics that Satan tried to use against Jesus, he uses today against us, tempting us in the areas of physical needs, spiritual shortcuts, and success or power.  The great thing though is that Jesus opened Satan’s playbook and showed us how to understand the deception and what to do.  Verse after verse in Matthew says, “The Scriptures say, For the Scriptures say, The Scriptures also say, For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the LORD your God and serve only him’”.

“Sometimes, things in this life aren’t what they look like. For us to see past the illusion, we have to get our eyes on Jesus and off the false evidence. The enemy wants to get us to focus on the problems, the current circumstances—on the giant, on the waves, on the army.” (Will Cooper, COO of Samaritan Ministries)

When David Copperfield, Penn and Teller, or Harry Houdini finished their shows, they put away their props and went about living real life. The illusions they created were put into a crate or folded up for the next show. As we face troubles, anxiousness, or doubts, we can let them become overwhelming in our lives or follow Paul’s advice about the temporary illusion we are facing. Scripture says, “So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 4:18 NLT

When the final curtain is drawn and we no longer watch the fleeting illusion of life, only then will we get to experience and see the real story! “Turn my eyes from looking at vanities; give me life in your ways.” Psalm 119:37 NRSV

God is great!


The World Needs a Few Peculiar People


But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. I Peter 2:9 KJV

Cat lovers rejoice – Dolce & Gabbana to your rescue. You no longer have to smell your friend’s dog anymore. Luxury brand Dolce & Gabbana has introduced a perfume for dogs, which “blends fresh and delicate notes of Ylang Ylang, Musk, and Sandalwood,” in an “alcohol-free scented mist.”  Dog owners or cat lovers can order “Fefe’” fragrance for 99 euros or $108.13 plus shipping. The company says, “It’s a tender and embracing fragrance crafted for a playful beauty routine. This fragrance is housed in a sleek green lacquered glass bottle, adorned with a vibrant red metal cap and a precious 24-carat gold-plated paw.” (Jonathan Limehouse, USA Today) I will put this information into my quirky file though I do like dogs.

A few miles up the road from where we live is the little town of Turin, Georgia. You will not find a large, bustling city but you will find a little, quirky beach called, “Barbie Beach.” It has an international following on Facebook and people stop from all over to visit and take pictures. Created by Steve and Linda Quick in 2006 in celebration of the Olympics that year in Turin, Italy, the mostly naked Barbie and Ken dolls have been lounging around in a six-by-four-foot stretch of sand since then. Over the years the display has changed to reflect whatever current event caught the attention of the Quicks, such as The Final Four playoffs, the royal wedding, or national football championships. It is a must-see if you are in this area. Weird, quirky or whimsical, you decide.

The longer I live the world seems to be getting a little quirkier, or maybe I’m just seeing things a little quirkier. The King James Bible translators used the word, peculiar to describe the people of God in I Peter. Granted, the word has morphed a bit in meaning since the KJV translation in the 1600s. Nowadays if you describe someone as peculiar you normally think they are strange, unusual, odd, weird, or maybe bizarre. However, the King James translators were using the word within the context of their day, meaning unique, a people for possession, that God’s people are meant to belong to him uniquely.

I rather like the word peculiar. Using the modern definition, it might actually be a good word to describe Christians today. I am sure you can probably identify a few quirky Christians in the modern sense of the word. However, the word can speak volumes when you consider the impact that a bunch of peculiar Christians focused only on Jesus could have in our current divided and godless society.

It will take peculiar people to “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” –Matt 5:44

It will take peculiar people who can “Whenever you stand praying, forgive” –Mark 11:25

It will take peculiar people that will “Love your enemies and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return” –Luke 6:35

It will take peculiar people who are willing to die for others. Last week marked the death of Maximilian Kolbe on August 14, 1941. 1939 saw the start of World War II with Poland quickly falling and Warsaw being captured by the Nazis. Kolbe could have been spared because of his German father if he had signed a register that would have given him rights and protection, but he refused. “Instead, he and the few friars who had not fled provided shelter for Polish refugees and hid around 2000 Jews. The Nazis eventually closed the monastery down and arrested the friars in February 1941, and Maximilian was sent to Auschwitz.” (Carla Harding, Lectio 24-7 Podcast)

It was at Auschwitz that ten men were chosen to be starved to death as an example but when the priest heard one of the men cry out in fear of losing his family, he volunteered to take the man’s place. Kolbe ministered to the other nine even as he faced starvation and died in the starvation bunker with a smile on his lips.

“Through obedience we transcend our own limitations and align ourselves with God’s will, which, with infinite wisdom and prudence, guides us to do what is best. Moreover, as we become filled with the divine will, which no created thing can resist, so we become stronger than all others.” (Letter written by Maximilian Kolbe)

It will take peculiar people who share the Gospel even in the most unorthodox ways. During a press conference after winning the gold medal in Paris, German shot-putter Yemisi Ogunleye responded to the interviewer’s question about how she approached that decisive final throw. Ogunleye said, “Before the last attempt, I didn’t think about anything but just lifted my hands and prayed. And that might seem weird to some people, but that is really the source of my peace and joy…After seeing where the shot landed, when I knew it was hopefully going to be enough for the gold medal, I just went on my knees and said, ‘Thank you, Jesus.’” She then responded during the interview with an impromptu rendition of  the song, “God Kept Me” by Harvey Watkins Jr.  yemisi ogunleye interview – YouTube

It will take peculiar people who can see a broken world but can tell others of the one who can restore brokenness. One such peculiar person was missionary E. Stanley Jones who went as a missionary to India in 1907. His ministry touched both the upper and lower classes of society, a confidant of Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, and friend of Mahatma Gandhi. He gained influence “as he stressed that the reconciliation brought through Jesus Christ was intended for the whole world.” (Asbury University bio of Jones)

Jones would write, “The early Christians succeeded because they did not lower their heads in despair and say, “Look what the world has come to.” Instead, they lifted their eyes in delight and said, “Look Who has come to the world.”

It will take peculiar people to be part of the radical transformation from darkness to light. We may get called weird, quirky, and strange but peculiar people can and do make a difference. Let’s be the light for our part of the world today.

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined.” Isaiah 9:2

God is great!

Thank you for subscribing to Prayer Safari. Together, making a difference this week.


Being a Change-Maker

Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly wait for a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of his glorious body, by the power that enables him to subject everything to himself. So then, my dearly loved and longed for brothers and sisters, my joy and crown, in this manner stand firm in the Lord, dear friends. Phil 3:20-4:1 CSB

Paris 2024 Olympics has ended and the record books have closed.  The record books will show events, winners, losers, and times that future Olympians will try to break these records. However, the official records fail to capture the behind-the-scenes events that tell the real stories.

You will not find Esther Kim’s name in the Olympic taekwondo record books but she exemplifies a greater feat; humility. When faced with the opportunity to easily beat her best friend and advance to the Sydney Olympics, she forfeited the match. Why? Kay Poe, her best friend and training partner, found themselves in the same match but Kay had injured her knee in the previous match and could barely stand. Esther could have justified the win: she had trained hard, wanted to go to the Olympics, and now had the opportunity to win but she chose to honor her friend first. Esther said, “I was in a very unfair situation. How can you go out there and fight someone who can’t even stand up? There was only one choice to be made, and that was just to forfeit and bow out.”

Max Lucado writes, “True humility is not thinking lowly of yourself but thinking accurately of yourself. The humble heart does not say, “I can’t do anything.” But rather it says, “I can’t do everything. I know my part and am happy to do it.” The humble heart honors others.”

Powerhouse swimmer Adam Peaty came within two-hundredths of a second breaking Michael Phelps’ record of 3 successive golds in the men’s 100m breaststroke. He will probably swim again for gold but the real story is a simple cross tattooed on his sternum with the words, ‘Into the Light’ right below the cross. Since coming to faith last year, he has been very open about what Jesus has meant to his life. In a recent interview with BBC Sports, he said, “I’m not crying because I came second…These are happy tears,” he explained, smiling through reddened eyes. “I’m not going to define my whole career by a medal…I asked God to show my heart, and this is my heart. I couldn’t have done more.”

It was unreal watching Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone run and win the 400-meter hurdles. She was amazing, a picture of excellence and beauty in motion. It is even more gripping to hear her motivation behind the winning.  “What an honor, a blessing, and a privilege. I never want to take these moments for granted. In a week where my faith was tried, my peace wavered, and the weight of the world began to descend, God was beyond gracious. It’s always hard preparing for one moment you may or may not get back. In my mind what kept repeating were the words “Trust in Jesus”. I didn’t know what the outcome would be, but I did know He was who I wanted to lead me through the journey. What an amazing journey it was!” …His word is sufficient, his promises hold true, and all the glory belongs to Him. At the end of the day it is FAR beyond gold.” (from her Instagram post, 8/9/2024)

These Olympians realized they had a platform to share a greater message than just a moment of personal glory. A platform that allowed them to point others to a message of hope and salvation. Their journeys were long and hard, spending hours and hours in the water, on the field, or in the gym preparing for these few seconds of instant fame but in the end, each will tell a greater story.

We can all agree we live in a broken world that needs a savior and we applaud those with such dynamic platforms but how do we fit into the picture of helping to mend a broken world? Unfortunately, the solution can sometimes be a savior that fits our stereotype of one. Yet the world will only be changed when those who are called Christians really begin to follow and live like Jesus. Living like Jesus is really the only answer to Quaker writer Douglas Steere’s question: “How does a person become increasingly Christian when he or she already is one?”

Pastor James Emery White writes, “Yet there are few spiritual athletes. We are weak, flabby, and out of shape. Our lives have become earthly in orientation and fleshly in operation. We conform to the patterns of the world, when we could be morphed into the very image of Christ (see Romans 12:1-2). We focus on religion instead of relationship and practice instead of passion. Such a life – not rooted in an authentic relationship with God, full of rhetoric and posturing, form and mannerism – is all but empty. We become people possessed with knowledge “about” as opposed to an acquaintance “with.” But only an intimate relationship with the living God is true spirituality. And only true spirituality can impact the world.”

It can be overwhelming to look at world events yet we want to be change makers. In that desire, the best place to start will always be in prayer. I hope this prayer by Jill Weber, who is with the 24-7 Prayer organization, can give words to your desire to be a change-maker in our broken world.

“Lord, when I look at the newsfeed and see the devastation in the world, I often see my own reflection, my own sin as well. I’ve been greedy, I’ve carried anger in my heart, I’ve vied for power and prestige, I’ve judged others, I’ve been unjust and unloving. And so Lord, I identify with the sin and the brokenness of the world. Forgive us. Heal our hearts and our land.”

God is great!


Thank you for subscribing to Prayer Safari, blessings on your coming week.


Running a Lasting Race

Don’t you know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way to win the prize. Now everyone who competes exercises self-control in everything. They do it to receive a perishable crown, but we an imperishable crown. So I do not run like one who runs aimlessly or box like one beating the air. Instead, I discipline my body and bring it under strict control so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified. I Corinthians 9:24-27 CSB

Stephen Nedoroscik had one job to do in this year’s Olympics and he nailed it. The bespectacled engineer who can solve a Rubik’s Cube in under ten seconds (that is amazing to me) mounted the pommel horse and delivered a near-flawless routine, giving the USA men’s team its first medal in 16 years. Though he found only one gymnastics event that he could master, he did it!

Throughout the day, Nedoroscik spent time encouraging and bringing water to his teammates and cheering on every performance; finally, it was his turn. “Nedoroscik was the last athlete to compete on the team’s last rotation. He needed to hit his routine for the Americans to end a 16-year medal drought…And then, like Clark Kent turning into Superman, he took off his jacket, removed his glasses, and puffed out his chest—and He killed it!” (Whitney Fleming)

The Paris Olympics showcases the wins and the losses, the best of individuals, and the controversies. Simone Biles will leave the Olympics as the most decorated American gymnast ever, Katie Ledecky’s gold medal in her impressive win in the 1,500-meter freestyle tied the record for most medals for an American woman in swimming, and yet Caeleb Dressel failed to qualify in the same event where he won gold at the Tokyo Olympics.

The Olympics brings together thousands of young athletes representing scores of nations. National pride is intertwined with sportsmanship and common purpose. Paul Emory Putz writes, “Sports matter to us in large part because of the cultural narratives that give them significance. It’s not just that athletes run, jump, reach, and throw with remarkable skill. It’s that those bodily movements are fashioned and framed into broader webs of meaning that help us make sense of the world around us—both what is and what ought to be.”

Over the coming week, there will be more victories, more defeats, and lots of upsets. Some of the Olympians will leave with a medal but the vast majority will leave with only memories. Sports history will record the names and times of event participants yet life will record those who took their perishable crown and turned it into something imperishable.

Paris 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of Eric Liddell running in the 1924 Paris Olympics. Liddell was one of those who took his perishable medal and turned it into something far greater. You may remember him from the movie, Chariots of Fire and his determined stance to not run his race on the Sabbath even as he faced pressure from the British Olympic committee, and fellow athletes and was ridiculed by the press for his refusal. Though he didn’t get to run in his preferred 100 meters event, he was able to run in the much longer 400 meters. 47.6 seconds later, Liddell set a new world record and earned a gold medal.

The movie ended with only a postscript of what would become his truly defining moment. He gave up possible future medals and athletic achievements to board a ship with his young family to follow God’s call to serve in China. It would be there that he would serve others to the very end of his life, dying in a war camp at 43. Duncan Hamilton in his biography of Liddell wrote, “Liddell ran—and lived—for the glory of God…Once imprisoned, Liddell did what he was born to do: practice his faith and his sport. He became the moral center of an unbearable world, counseling many of the other prisoners, giving up his own meager portion of meals for many days, and organizing games for the children there.”

When Liddell was asked, what is the point of continuing to pray—for food, for comfort, for rescue—when those prayers aren’t being answered? Joe Cotterill, his close friend said, “Liddell’s own belief never wavered but also how he reassured those who had doubts. His faith grew stronger than ever in such troubled times. He didn’t blame God for the situation we were all in. he believed God was in that situation with us. That was his message and he never stopped preaching it. He’d say to us all ‘Have Faith.’” (Duncan Hamilton, For the Glory)

Though most of us may never stand on the Olympic podium to receive a medal, each of us has been given defining moments that will be our platforms to make a difference. Our defining moments may come in an encouraging whisper to a friend, a midnight call to reassure someone, or a lonely stance for what we believe.  Whatever you do, let it be to God’s glory.

“David Ireland, diagnosed with a crippling neurological disease that would eventually take his life, was frequently asked, “Do you believe God will heal you?” He would respond with a question of his own: “Do I really need to be healed?” Ireland explained his thinking:

I’m firmly convinced that God is extremely good and that He does love and understand all the world and all the people in it. Does He want to heal me? I can’t even answer that. My faith is in the genuineness of God, not in whether He will do this or that to demonstrate His goodness…That’s not the nature of my relationship to God.” (James Emery White, Church and Culture)

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 ESV

God is great!