What a sweet aroma are your prayers before God
Moses said to Aaron, take your censer, put fire on it from the altar and lay incense on it, and carry it quickly to the congregation and make atonement for them. For wrath has gone out from the LORD, the plague has begun. Numbers 16:46
The sounds of rebellion echoed throughout the camp. The mob was fed up with Moses and Aaron. It was a battle for control; a spiritual war against God and His anointed. God told Moses, “get away from this congregation, so that I may consume them in a moment.”
Moses knew the rebellion would be short-lived and would not end well for the people. I wonder if the thought ran through his mind, “Finally, God will get rid of the trouble makers in one sweep of His hand. He will get a much-needed reprieve from the rabble-rousers”. Deep down, did Moses hope to get rid of the problem makers? Would we like to see a little more justice instead of mercy? Fortunately for the world, God’s grace-bearers don’t get to turn away from the battle. Like Moses, we must intercede on behalf of others. Like Aaron, we pick up our censers to intercede for the people.
Aaron recognized the danger of running into this angry mob. Those people didn’t care. Those people didn’t obey God’s laws. Those people wanted Moses and Aaron dead. Yes, those people are still around and will always be since we are those people without Jesus. It doesn’t take long to name those people in our lives. Aaron could have played it safe and ran the other way. We could play it safe and run the other way. Yet like Aaron, we are called to run toward the fire of hatred, anger, rebellion carrying the flame of mercy and redemption, standing “between the dead and the living; and the plague was stopped.” 16:48
Why risk our life for those people? The same reason that “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…in order that the world might be saved through him.” –John 3:16-17
We carry the censers of intercessory prayer for those dying from the plague of sin and offer the hope and grace of God’s mercy to trapped people. We are the intercessors standing “between the dead and the living.” Daily we watch as the plagues of materialism, sexuality, greed, corruption, racism, abuse, violence and countless others ways destroy the lives of those made in God’s image.
“Jesus Christ carries on intercession for us in heaven; the Holy Ghost carries on intercession in us on earth; and we the saints have to carry on intercession for all men.” –Oswald Chambers
Chambers’ words from a previous generation challenge us today with the overwhelming task of interceding for others. The role of intercession calls us to run into a battle that few of us can even fathom. The intercessor’s role pushes us into a spiritual battle that we are unable to wage through our power.
The fragrance of mercy from Aaron’s censer finally begins to cover the stench of death. What does the fragrance of mercy smell like? The fragrance of God’s mercy is those who were hungry and you gave them food, for the thirsty and you gave them drink. You made the stranger feel welcome, clothed the naked, and visited the sick and the prisoner. The fragrance of mercy smells like hope, faith, peace and grace. It is the fragrance of grace from an empty tomb as we celebrate Easter morning in a couple of weeks.
“Another angel with a golden censer came and stood at the altar; he was given a great quantity of incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar that is before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.” Revelation 8:3-4
Moses prayed for the people. David prayed for the people. The prophets of old prayed for the people. Jesus prays, even now, for the people. Now we pick up our censers and pray for the people. Our prayers are offered up as beautiful fragrances for those who are running from God. Our prayers are offered for those hurting, lost and desperate to find grace and salvation.
“Reflect the glory of God with your life. God pours out love on us who are naturally unloving and unlovable. So, why would we refuse to offer it to others? Because we have the spirit of Christ, we, too, can reflect the glory of God by showing His love to our enemies. Show the world the grace God has bestowed upon you. We are to be like God, extending love aggressively in the face of hostility.” (author unknown)
Easter awakens us to intercede for neighbors, co-workers, family or the person on the street. Jesus stood in the gap “between the dead and living.” Now we stand in the gap to become the incense that will rise “before God from the hand of the angel.”
What a sweet aroma are your prayers before God.
God is great,