Blessed Are the Merciful


Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Matthew 5:7 CSB

Merciful is easy to define but even more easy to identify. Mercy can be defined as sympathetic, compassionate, pardoning, refusing to punish, or forgiving. However, seeing mercy in action brings life to the definition. What does mercy look like? Over the last few weeks, the Eastern Coast of the United States has been pulverized by back-to-back hurricanes, Helene and Milton. The evening news has highlighted the valiant effort of total strangers helping other total strangers in their devastation. Line crews from across the country are working endless hours to restore electricity, medical personnel ministering to the physical needs of communities, government, and non-profit organizations working together to provide housing for the homeless, and feeding stations providing food to the hungry.

Gary LeBlanc did the only thing he could do after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, he volunteered to cook food. What he witnessed during the aftermath of Katrina left him heartbroken. Gary and his wife Ann started Mercy Chefs in 2006. Chef Gary said that the Lord called them to “feed people; just go feed people.” Eighteen years later, from one disaster to the next, the LeBlancs’ organization has served over 27 million meals. LeBlanc said, “In the box is love, hope, and a way forward. In the box is all the love we can muster — fit into a box.”

“For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.” (Hosea 6:6 NKJV) The world and the people within were far from perfect as Jesus taught his followers. He knew then as we need today, how to flourish in this imperfect world. Each of the beatitudes that Jesus gave that day were and are critical for living life. Glen Stassen writes, “Mercy is about an action, that is, a generous action that delivers someone from need or bondage.”

Eugene Peterson says in his book, Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading, “Scripture does not present us with a moral code and tell us “Live up to this,” nor does it set out a system of doctrine and say “Think like this and you will live well.” Rather the biblical way is to tell a story and in the telling invite: “Live into this—this is what it looks like to be human in the God-made and God-ruled world; this is what is involved in becoming and maturing as a human being.”

Mercy reflects the beautiful act of forgiveness. Jesus continued his discourse that morning with the words, “For If you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.” (Matthew 6:14-15) Extending mercy to others can never be done within our own power or desires.

Corrie ten Boom survived the horrors of Ravensbruck in World War II but years later had to confront her own unforgiveness while speaking in a Munich church on forgiveness. It was in that church she encountered the guard who had inflicted so much pain on Corrie and her sister Betsie. The guard said, “But since that time I have become a Christian. I know that God has forgiven me for the cruel things I did there, but I would like to hear it from your lips as well. Fraulein—will you forgive me?”

It is far easier to define mercy than to be merciful. It is easier to give examples of mercy than to be merciful. Extending the gift of mercy to someone who has wronged you goes beyond our abilities. Jesus realized the challenge as He outlined how a disciple of His could flourish in this world. Who should we extend mercy to? Yes, even that person! “There was no need for Jesus to elaborate. Our God is a merciful God and shows mercy continuously; the citizens of his kingdom must show mercy too.” (John Stott)

“And I stood there—I whose sins had every day to be forgiven—and could not. Betsie had died in that place—could he erase her slow terrible death simply for the asking?”

Jesus brought a new fresh spirit to the passage in Hosea as he spoke the words again in Matthew. The legalist would struggle, the bitter and angry would struggle, yet mercy would be the only way forward, “Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I didn’t come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matt 9:13)

“Those who were able to forgive their former enemies were able also to return to the outside world and rebuild their lives, no matter what the physical scars. Those who nursed their bitterness remained invalids. It was as simple and as horrible as that.”

“But you, dear friends, as you build yourselves up in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting expectantly for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life. Have mercy on those who waver, save others by snatching them from the fire; have mercy on others but with fear, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.” (Jude 20-23)

“Jesus, help me! I prayed silently…And so woodenly, mechanically, I thrust my hand into the one stretched out to me. And as I did, an incredible thing took place. The current started in my shoulder, raced down my arm, sprang into our joined hands. And then this healing warmth seemed to flood my whole being, bring tears to my eyes. I forgive you, brother! I cried. With all my heart.” (Corrie ten Boom on Forgiveness)

We too ask ourselves the question, how can I extend mercy to that person? Jesus gave himself as the model of Blessed are the Merciful. Thankfully, “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great love that he had for us, made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in trespasses. You are saved by grace!” (Ephesians 2:4-5)

Can you think of a more exciting time to be alive as a follower of Jesus? In a world that has seemingly grown darker, we can be a light for those wandering in the darkness. Jesus gave generations of followers a way to flourish as he taught them the Beatitudes. “You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ’care-full,’ you find yourselves cared for.” Matthew 5:7 The Message

God is great!


Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

Keep your fork, the best is coming! This illustration has been told and re-told countless times by preachers in their sermons. Without a doubt, in my mind, the master teller of this illustration would have to be Glenn Boyd. Now the story goes that a woman learned that she only had a couple of months to live and her pastor came to visit. However, she was mostly interested in ensuring he knew what to do at her funeral. She made sure he knew what scripture verses to read, what she would wear, what songs would be sung, and who would speak. Plus, she wanted to make sure her favorite Bible would be placed in the casket.

As the pastor was getting ready to leave she made one additional request: to place a fork in her hand in the casket. He looked a little confused but the woman smiled and explained that she had been to more church functions than she could count where food was served. She said there was always one final instruction after the dishes were cleared, keep your fork. I always knew something better was coming, something substantial. You don’t need a fork for Jell-O or pudding but you did for a piece of cake or pie. She told him that when they see the fork, they will know I have something better now.

Glenn in his deep, rich voice told that story often in a way only he could. Glenn was a powerful singer, and could easily have been an opera singer but instead chose to “hunger and thirst for righteousness” as a missionary. Glenn was a missionary colleague and fellow Oklahoman where he and his family served in Kenya and it didn’t take long before you knew his heart and love for God. Glenn’s final years were not easy, filled with pain but he never stopped being hungry and thirsty for the things of God. I didn’t get to attend his funeral but I wonder if he had a fork in his hand.

Hunger and thirst are basic human needs regardless of who you are, where you are from, or what you do in life. It is a given that without food and water, a person will die.  Abraham Maslow developed his hierarchy of needs beginning with the very basics of life – air, food, water, shelter, clothing, warmth, sleep, and health. It is the very foundation of his pyramid of human needs.

Jesus begins his fourth Beatitude by simply saying, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst.” The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 107, “For he has satisfied the thirsty and filled the hungry with good things.” (v9) Jesus understood that hunger and thirst for food was essential to survive in life but even more critical to flourish spiritually you had to hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness.

Spiritual hunger should be a driving characteristic of all God’s people. John Stott in his classic book on the “Sermon on the Mount’ writes, “Christians are not like pagans, engrossed in the pursuit of possessions; what they have set themselves to ‘seek first’ is God’s kingdom and righteousness.”

Biblical righteousness is like a brilliant diamond viewed through a prism including a legal, moral, and social aspect. We will hunger and thirst for a right relationship with God. We will hunger and thirst for a personal character and conduct that pleases God. We will hunger and thirst for a social or cultural righteousness that fosters a right relationship with others in our community and world that glorifies God. “We search for God in order to find him with greater joy, and we find him in order to keep on searching with greater love.” (Augustine)

Martin Luther wrote, “The command to you is not to crawl into a corner or into the desert, but to run out, if that is where you have been, and to offer your hands and your feet and your whole body, and to wager everything you have and can do. A hunger and thirst for righteousness that can never be curbed or stopped or sated, one that looks for nothing and cares for nothing except the accomplishment and maintenance of the right, despising everything that hinders this end. If you cannot make the world completely pious then do what you can.”

This last Friday (October 18) marked Anti-Slavery Day. The creation of the day was to raise awareness of the almost 50 million people who are currently held in modern-day slavery. Modern slavery differs from the transatlantic slave trade of history but has the same core evil, the loss of freedom. Today it is identified as human trafficking, forced labor, debt bondage, child slavery, forced and early marriage, and domestic servitude. “Slavery may be hidden but it exists and it’s controlling the lives of millions of people.” (Hope for Justice)

Jesus gave these teachings, not as forms of spiritual steps or requirements, but as ways his followers could flourish in this world. Luke recorded a beautiful model of how these first followers lived out this fourth Beatitude. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as any had need. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-47

Hunger and thirst are perpetual characteristics of Jesus’ disciples. What a difference our world could be if we started each day with that same hunger and thirst as those early followers.

“I am the bread of life, Jesus told them. No one who comes to me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in me will ever be thirsty again.” — John 6:35 CSB

God is great!


Planting Spiritual Trees

He presented another parable to them: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It’s the smallest of all the seeds, but when grown, it’s taller than the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the sky come and nest in its branches.” Matt 13:31-32 (CSB)

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”  This well-known Greek proverb could easily describe Dr. William Leslie’s life as a medical missionary to a remote corner of the Congo in 1912. Dr. Leslie and his wife, Clara cleared land along the Kwilu River at Vanga for a new mission station but after 17 years of intense labor, they returned to the United States discouraged. Dr. Leslie believed he had failed to make an impact for Christ and died seven years later thinking his mission had failed.

A team led by Eric Ramsey in 2010 hiked into the jungle to where the Yansi people lived. Ramsey’s research led him to believe there was some exposure to the name of Jesus. What he discovered was a thriving network of reproducing churches throughout the area. They found a church in each of the eight villages they visited scattered across 34 miles. “Each village had its own gospel choir, although they wouldn’t call it that. They wrote their own songs and would have sing-offs from village to village.”

Ramsey was able to piece together the story of how Dr. Leslie would cross the Kwilu River from Vanga and spend a month traveling throughout the area teaching the Bible, teaching the children how to read and write, and telling Bible stories. Ramsey writes of Dr. Leslie, “His goal was to spread Christianity. He felt like he was there for 17 years and he never really made a big impact, but the legacy he left is huge.” (Mark Ellis, God Reports)

There is just something rewarding about planting seeds or small seedlings in the ground and watching them grow to maturity. Though I haven’t had much experience planting mustard seeds, I have planted trees wherever we lived, leaving a place for others to sit. The trees brought enjoyment but I always knew, those that followed would enjoy even more.

Jeremiah Lanphier planted a spiritual tree that would bear fruit for years to come. Lanphier, a New York City merchant, in 1857 gave up his trade position to accept a position with a dying church to visit people in the area. The work was slow, seeing very little success and he would return to his room in the evening and “spread out his sorrows before the Lord.”

The idea of a mid-day prayer meeting came to him and he invited people to come but the first day, he was the only one on hand. After thirty minutes another six businessmen did show up to pray. “That small meeting was in no way extraordinary. There was no great outpouring of the Spirit of God. Lanphier had no way of knowing that it was the beginning of a great national revival which would sweep an estimated one million persons into the kingdom of God.”

“Early in 1858, the revival power poured over the Appalachian Mountains and into the West. Every major town fell before it—Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha—and on to the Pacific Coast.” “And everywhere, it was a revival of prayer. There was no hysteria, no unusual disturbances. Just prayer.” (from the C. S. Lewis Institute)

We may never get to know the full outcome of planting spiritual trees but often God gives us a peek at some of the green leaves. Our team returned last week from Kenya with full hearts and thankful souls. The spiritual tenderness of Kenyans was such a joy as we gathered in times of training, teaching, participating, and sharing. We had the privilege of walking with 85 different individuals in their spiritual journey as they said yes to Jesus’ invitation to life.

One young man living on the streets said yes to Jesus’ invitation of hope. Homelessness and discouragement marked the future of this young man until one of our team members took the time to talk with him. For the first time in a long time, he felt loved and accepted. After we had left Kenya, the pastor of the church we were working with wrote to tell us that he had taken the young man back home to his parents. The pastor wrote, “He had left home two and a half years ago. The family knew that he had died and even did a burial ritual for him. At the arrival of their son, it was just like that of the prodigal son in the Bible.” One “chance” encounter that changed a young man’s life and family.

Last week the United States marked the 23rd anniversary of 9-11 and most of us can remember that fateful day and probably even recall the very place you heard the news. Yet for a growing number of people, it is simply a page in a history book. The vast majority of recent college graduates were not even born when the attacks took place. For them, 9-11 will only be a historical occurrence, not a shared experience.

I wish I could tell them that we planted a spiritual tree for them to sit under. I remember going to our church that night and it was filled with people praying and worshipping. Across the nation, churches were filled to capacity for several weeks but then life returned to normal. Unfortunately, the passion and fervor of those days lost its glow and the hope for another national spiritual awakening soon vanished. What could have been a great awakening turned into multiple wars around the globe, a divided nation, social unrest, spiritual dryness, school shootings, and political disunity.

Yet we keep on praying! Planting physical trees definitely brings a lot of satisfaction but even more so are the spiritual trees we plant throughout our lifetime. We may go through life thinking, what have I done to make a difference, yet little do we know what impact these spiritual trees will have on others. We plant on this journey of life so that someday others will enjoy the shade.

“But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” –Psalm 1:2-3 NLT

God is great!

The World Needs a Few Peculiar People


But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. I Peter 2:9 KJV

Cat lovers rejoice – Dolce & Gabbana to your rescue. You no longer have to smell your friend’s dog anymore. Luxury brand Dolce & Gabbana has introduced a perfume for dogs, which “blends fresh and delicate notes of Ylang Ylang, Musk, and Sandalwood,” in an “alcohol-free scented mist.”  Dog owners or cat lovers can order “Fefe’” fragrance for 99 euros or $108.13 plus shipping. The company says, “It’s a tender and embracing fragrance crafted for a playful beauty routine. This fragrance is housed in a sleek green lacquered glass bottle, adorned with a vibrant red metal cap and a precious 24-carat gold-plated paw.” (Jonathan Limehouse, USA Today) I will put this information into my quirky file though I do like dogs.

A few miles up the road from where we live is the little town of Turin, Georgia. You will not find a large, bustling city but you will find a little, quirky beach called, “Barbie Beach.” It has an international following on Facebook and people stop from all over to visit and take pictures. Created by Steve and Linda Quick in 2006 in celebration of the Olympics that year in Turin, Italy, the mostly naked Barbie and Ken dolls have been lounging around in a six-by-four-foot stretch of sand since then. Over the years the display has changed to reflect whatever current event caught the attention of the Quicks, such as The Final Four playoffs, the royal wedding, or national football championships. It is a must-see if you are in this area. Weird, quirky or whimsical, you decide.

The longer I live the world seems to be getting a little quirkier, or maybe I’m just seeing things a little quirkier. The King James Bible translators used the word, peculiar to describe the people of God in I Peter. Granted, the word has morphed a bit in meaning since the KJV translation in the 1600s. Nowadays if you describe someone as peculiar you normally think they are strange, unusual, odd, weird, or maybe bizarre. However, the King James translators were using the word within the context of their day, meaning unique, a people for possession, that God’s people are meant to belong to him uniquely.

I rather like the word peculiar. Using the modern definition, it might actually be a good word to describe Christians today. I am sure you can probably identify a few quirky Christians in the modern sense of the word. However, the word can speak volumes when you consider the impact that a bunch of peculiar Christians focused only on Jesus could have in our current divided and godless society.

It will take peculiar people to “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” –Matt 5:44

It will take peculiar people who can “Whenever you stand praying, forgive” –Mark 11:25

It will take peculiar people that will “Love your enemies and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return” –Luke 6:35

It will take peculiar people who are willing to die for others. Last week marked the death of Maximilian Kolbe on August 14, 1941. 1939 saw the start of World War II with Poland quickly falling and Warsaw being captured by the Nazis. Kolbe could have been spared because of his German father if he had signed a register that would have given him rights and protection, but he refused. “Instead, he and the few friars who had not fled provided shelter for Polish refugees and hid around 2000 Jews. The Nazis eventually closed the monastery down and arrested the friars in February 1941, and Maximilian was sent to Auschwitz.” (Carla Harding, Lectio 24-7 Podcast)

It was at Auschwitz that ten men were chosen to be starved to death as an example but when the priest heard one of the men cry out in fear of losing his family, he volunteered to take the man’s place. Kolbe ministered to the other nine even as he faced starvation and died in the starvation bunker with a smile on his lips.

“Through obedience we transcend our own limitations and align ourselves with God’s will, which, with infinite wisdom and prudence, guides us to do what is best. Moreover, as we become filled with the divine will, which no created thing can resist, so we become stronger than all others.” (Letter written by Maximilian Kolbe)

It will take peculiar people who share the Gospel even in the most unorthodox ways. During a press conference after winning the gold medal in Paris, German shot-putter Yemisi Ogunleye responded to the interviewer’s question about how she approached that decisive final throw. Ogunleye said, “Before the last attempt, I didn’t think about anything but just lifted my hands and prayed. And that might seem weird to some people, but that is really the source of my peace and joy…After seeing where the shot landed, when I knew it was hopefully going to be enough for the gold medal, I just went on my knees and said, ‘Thank you, Jesus.’” She then responded during the interview with an impromptu rendition of  the song, “God Kept Me” by Harvey Watkins Jr.  yemisi ogunleye interview – YouTube

It will take peculiar people who can see a broken world but can tell others of the one who can restore brokenness. One such peculiar person was missionary E. Stanley Jones who went as a missionary to India in 1907. His ministry touched both the upper and lower classes of society, a confidant of Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, and friend of Mahatma Gandhi. He gained influence “as he stressed that the reconciliation brought through Jesus Christ was intended for the whole world.” (Asbury University bio of Jones)

Jones would write, “The early Christians succeeded because they did not lower their heads in despair and say, “Look what the world has come to.” Instead, they lifted their eyes in delight and said, “Look Who has come to the world.”

It will take peculiar people to be part of the radical transformation from darkness to light. We may get called weird, quirky, and strange but peculiar people can and do make a difference. Let’s be the light for our part of the world today.

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined.” Isaiah 9:2

God is great!

Thank you for subscribing to Prayer Safari. Together, making a difference this week.


Being a Change-Maker

Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly wait for a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of his glorious body, by the power that enables him to subject everything to himself. So then, my dearly loved and longed for brothers and sisters, my joy and crown, in this manner stand firm in the Lord, dear friends. Phil 3:20-4:1 CSB

Paris 2024 Olympics has ended and the record books have closed.  The record books will show events, winners, losers, and times that future Olympians will try to break these records. However, the official records fail to capture the behind-the-scenes events that tell the real stories.

You will not find Esther Kim’s name in the Olympic taekwondo record books but she exemplifies a greater feat; humility. When faced with the opportunity to easily beat her best friend and advance to the Sydney Olympics, she forfeited the match. Why? Kay Poe, her best friend and training partner, found themselves in the same match but Kay had injured her knee in the previous match and could barely stand. Esther could have justified the win: she had trained hard, wanted to go to the Olympics, and now had the opportunity to win but she chose to honor her friend first. Esther said, “I was in a very unfair situation. How can you go out there and fight someone who can’t even stand up? There was only one choice to be made, and that was just to forfeit and bow out.”

Max Lucado writes, “True humility is not thinking lowly of yourself but thinking accurately of yourself. The humble heart does not say, “I can’t do anything.” But rather it says, “I can’t do everything. I know my part and am happy to do it.” The humble heart honors others.”

Powerhouse swimmer Adam Peaty came within two-hundredths of a second breaking Michael Phelps’ record of 3 successive golds in the men’s 100m breaststroke. He will probably swim again for gold but the real story is a simple cross tattooed on his sternum with the words, ‘Into the Light’ right below the cross. Since coming to faith last year, he has been very open about what Jesus has meant to his life. In a recent interview with BBC Sports, he said, “I’m not crying because I came second…These are happy tears,” he explained, smiling through reddened eyes. “I’m not going to define my whole career by a medal…I asked God to show my heart, and this is my heart. I couldn’t have done more.”

It was unreal watching Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone run and win the 400-meter hurdles. She was amazing, a picture of excellence and beauty in motion. It is even more gripping to hear her motivation behind the winning.  “What an honor, a blessing, and a privilege. I never want to take these moments for granted. In a week where my faith was tried, my peace wavered, and the weight of the world began to descend, God was beyond gracious. It’s always hard preparing for one moment you may or may not get back. In my mind what kept repeating were the words “Trust in Jesus”. I didn’t know what the outcome would be, but I did know He was who I wanted to lead me through the journey. What an amazing journey it was!” …His word is sufficient, his promises hold true, and all the glory belongs to Him. At the end of the day it is FAR beyond gold.” (from her Instagram post, 8/9/2024)

These Olympians realized they had a platform to share a greater message than just a moment of personal glory. A platform that allowed them to point others to a message of hope and salvation. Their journeys were long and hard, spending hours and hours in the water, on the field, or in the gym preparing for these few seconds of instant fame but in the end, each will tell a greater story.

We can all agree we live in a broken world that needs a savior and we applaud those with such dynamic platforms but how do we fit into the picture of helping to mend a broken world? Unfortunately, the solution can sometimes be a savior that fits our stereotype of one. Yet the world will only be changed when those who are called Christians really begin to follow and live like Jesus. Living like Jesus is really the only answer to Quaker writer Douglas Steere’s question: “How does a person become increasingly Christian when he or she already is one?”

Pastor James Emery White writes, “Yet there are few spiritual athletes. We are weak, flabby, and out of shape. Our lives have become earthly in orientation and fleshly in operation. We conform to the patterns of the world, when we could be morphed into the very image of Christ (see Romans 12:1-2). We focus on religion instead of relationship and practice instead of passion. Such a life – not rooted in an authentic relationship with God, full of rhetoric and posturing, form and mannerism – is all but empty. We become people possessed with knowledge “about” as opposed to an acquaintance “with.” But only an intimate relationship with the living God is true spirituality. And only true spirituality can impact the world.”

It can be overwhelming to look at world events yet we want to be change makers. In that desire, the best place to start will always be in prayer. I hope this prayer by Jill Weber, who is with the 24-7 Prayer organization, can give words to your desire to be a change-maker in our broken world.

“Lord, when I look at the newsfeed and see the devastation in the world, I often see my own reflection, my own sin as well. I’ve been greedy, I’ve carried anger in my heart, I’ve vied for power and prestige, I’ve judged others, I’ve been unjust and unloving. And so Lord, I identify with the sin and the brokenness of the world. Forgive us. Heal our hearts and our land.”

God is great!


Thank you for subscribing to Prayer Safari, blessings on your coming week.


What’s in a Name?

I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it. Rev 2:17b NIV

What’s in a name? You listen for a particular name so you can pick up your pizza at the counter. When they hear their first and middle names, mischievous little boys and girls know it will not be a good day. The final rounds of graduations have been completed and each person waited eagerly to hear their name being called out so they could receive their diploma. We all like to hear our names called out, whether at the pizza shop or an elegant ceremony.

Through the years, parents have spent countless hours trying to come up with the perfect name. The problem is, you can’t count on your chosen name being popular in a few years. My mother’s name was Mildred, a name that was in the top 10 for over two decades in the early 1900s, then it vanished from the lists. When’s the last time you heard of a little Mildred? However, there is hope for the Mildreds, Normans, Gladys, and Doris of the world according to name expert Sophie Kihm but it will take about 100 years. The seemingly “old-fashioned” sounding names will become trendy again, which means someday there will be an increase of Mildreds in kindergarten classes.

There are a few of us who will patiently sit through the scrolling list of names at the end of a movie, acknowledging the countless list of people involved in the movie production. They deserve a little acknowledgment! Scrolling through movie credits is a little like scrolling through the list of names in the book of First Chronicles. You encounter name after name but then all of a sudden you stumble over Jabez. Maybe not a name in the top 20 since few parents want to stick, “he makes sorrow,” on their baby. You wonder if every time little Jabez heard his name being called it reminded him of the pain that he had caused his mother at birth. Playing outside had to be a challenge hearing all the boys shouting, here comes “he makes sorrow.” (I Chron 4:9-10)

Jabez didn’t have a choice on what his mother named him. He may not have liked the name, but he did have a choice on what he would do with the name in life. Instead of making others sorrowful, he asked God to bless him and expand his influence. I like the NKJV translation, “that I may not cause pain, And God granted his request.” That is taking your name and giving it a new meaning for life!

Mildred was a name that identified my mother among her family, friends, and community. However, the real part of her identity came out of her values, character, personality, and faith. Our true identity is not the label we call a name but the deep values that we come to know.

The world knew in the 1970s that the name, Charles Colson, reflected a power-hungry, ruthless hatchet man for Pres. Richard Nixon, and would eventually be convicted of his crimes and sentenced to prison. The name, Colson was tarnished, reputation destroyed, and politically finished. The story could have ended there, and his name would have gone down in history as a disgraced and ruthless man. Yet his story wasn’t over because of God’s work of redemption in his life. He left prison in 1975 having served his sentence but more importantly, he walked out of prison with a redeemed name because of Jesus Christ.

Jonathan Aitken was a broken and disgraced former Member of Parliament in the UK. It was through Colson reaching out to him in friendship and support that changed Aitken’s life. In a letter to Aitken, Colson wrote, “Your greatest test will be right now, Jonathan. You can let circumstances shatter you as I saw you quoted in the press or you can decide that adversity will be your greatest blessing…As you know, I have looked back on Watergate and thank God for it. Through that crucible I came to know Christ personally and discovered that in the darkest moments of my life, He was working to produce what I would later see as the greatest blessings of my life.”

Aitken in his biography on Charles Colson wrote, “For Colson’s footprints on the sands of time go predictably deep in the spiritual fields where he has worked since his Christian conversion.” “Colson has lived to see his reputation transformed and his life redeemed. By any standard it is a remarkable turnaround, which his admirers say could have been accomplished only by the hand of God.” (Jonathan Aitken, Charles W. Colson, A Life Redeemed)

What’s in a name? Without a doubt, it is far more than a picture on your driver’s license or even the name on your regular paycheck. Author Ann Spangler writes, “It helps to realize that names in the ancient world in which the Bible was written often functioned differently than they do today. In addition to distinguishing one person from another and linking people to their family heritage, names were thought to reveal the essential nature and character of a person.”

What’s in a name? Paul knew something about tarnished names since people would hear his name and go into hiding out of fear of him. That was until God took him and he became a work of art, a new creation. Paul would later write, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Cor 5:17).

What’s in a name?

Do not let those who hope in you be put to shame because of me, O LORD God of hosts; do not let those who seek you be dishonored because of me.” Psalm 69:6

God is great!

America’s Sacred Holiday

Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name. Malachi 3:16

If parents were allowed to roll their eyes, I am sure the vast majority have done so or at least thought about it, if they had a young child sitting in a church service. Long before children’s church, I learned how to sit through many church services beside my mother. Hopefully, she didn’t have to roll her eyes very often!

Little boys and girls must do something to entertain themselves but not end up in trouble. You know you are bored if you enjoyed reading through the Baptist Hymnal. Drawing circles on the bulletins helped pass the time and with imagination, the bulletins could turn into a lot of different things.  However, the most entertaining exercise was always watching the people. There were a few funny moments such as the older gentleman in the choir who would fall asleep during the sermon and even once fell out of his seat. Yet, there was a comforting sense of familiarity in seeing the same people week after week, usually sitting in the same spot.

Thing-watching was always a good practice. Like most small Baptist churches, we had a table in front of the pulpit. Years later the words, “Do This in Remembrance of Me,” would impact my life greatly. It was carved into the blonde-finished table and captured my attention and forever changed my life. I would come to know the great sacrifice that Jesus paid that I might have life and it would be at this and future tables that the bread and cup would stir remembrance of what Jesus did in my life.

The disciples who were gathered in the upper room that evening didn’t fully grasp Jesus’ words about bread and the cup until much later. As they finished eating, Jesus took a piece of bread and a cup of wine offering thanks.  He then spoke the words, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me,” (Luke 22:19). Those simple words would become the remembrance of a costly sacrifice given for the following generations.

Whether it is a pile of stones, monuments, or specific days, history is filled with reminders to tell the next generation of a sacrifice that took place. “Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future.” (Elie Wiesel)

Jacob set up a pillar to commemorate God’s vision to him in Genesis 28. Joshua had leaders of each tribe in Joshua 4 pick up a boulder from the dry river bed and erect a memorial to remind the next generation of God’s love and miraculous intervention. Samuel set aside a large stone and named it Ebenezer to remind the next generation of God’s goodness and grace in I Samuel 7.

Today marks the United States’ celebration of Memorial Day in remembrance of men and women killed in military conflicts. If a secular government could have a sacred holiday, Memorial Day would come close to that day. Though Memorial Day is a unique holiday in the United States, I found similar types of celebrations in other countries honoring their citizens killed in action. “Remembering the past plays a vital role in the identity of any nation. Sociologists claim that a society aspiring to endure must become a community of memory and hope.” (B.K. Waltke)

The concept of a Remembrance Day for those killed in war originated shortly after the Civil War. It was originally called Decoration Day as people decorated graves of veterans who lost their lives with flowers and wreaths. Memorial Day or Decoration Day was first celebrated on May 30th but Congress moved the date to the last Monday in May of 1968 and becoming a federal holiday in 1971.

Memorial Day is a perfect opportunity to stop and reflect on the cost of freedom. It is a cost paid through the blood and sacrifice willingly given for others to enjoy freedom. These men and women in the military who were killed in action paid for freedom with their lives. For the sake of others, they paid a heavy price.

Cultural commentator Jonah Goldberg writes, “Democracy’s greatness lies in the fact it is a hedge against bad things.” It took these men and women to build hedges against tyranny, injustice, and hatred. “This is the day we pay homage to all those who didn’t come home. This is not Veterans Day, it’s a day of solemn contemplation over the cost of freedom.” (Tamra Bolton)

Historians estimate that over 1,300,000 men and women have been killed in the various wars and conflicts the United States has been engaged in since the American Revolutionary War. Each number represents a son or daughter, husband or wife, grandchild or friend that never came home. Each number tells the story of a generation that ended that day. Each number tells the story of commitment and sacrifice. Memorial Day allows us to remember those stories of courage with a heart of gratitude.

We give thanks to these men and women who gave their lives and remember even now the enduring loss and pain that exists in thousands of households across this nation.  Former President Barack Obama said it well, “Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay.”

LORD, let us never forget the costly sacrifice of these men and women who died to build a hedge against evil which has allowed freedom to be celebrated. More importantly, thank you for the sacrifice of the cross that gave us freedom and life. “Your name, LORD, endures forever, your renown, LORD, through all generations.”

God is great!


A Real Celebration

There is nothing better for people to do than to eat, drink, and find satisfaction in their work. I saw that even this comes from the hand of God. Who can eat or enjoy themselves without God? Ecclesiastes 2:24-25 God’s Word

Who doesn’t love a good celebration? Yesterday the world celebrated Cinco de Mayo, ok, so maybe not the whole world, but lots of people.  Cinco de Mayo revelers mark the occasion with parades, parties, mariachi music, Mexican folk dancing, and lots of food and fun.

Why does Cinco de Mayo generate such festivities? Surely it must be a major Independence Day celebration or at least some religious holiday that would create such excitement, but it’s not. The day marks the Mexican army’s victory over France at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The win was more of a moral victory for Mexico than a strategic victory. Though a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo has become a major celebration in the United States, focusing on commemorating Mexican culture and heritage. Here are some fun facts about Cinco de Mayo:

  1. Only 1 in 10 individuals know that Cinco de Mayo represents the Mexican victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla.
  2. 40% of Americans believe Cinco de Mayo marks Mexico’s Independence Day.
  3. It is not a federal holiday in Mexico.
  4. Sizable crowds, street festivals, live music, and dancing are all staples of celebrating.
  5. Mole Poblano is the official dish of Cinco de Mayo.
  6. Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston are known to hold the biggest events.
  7. 87 million pounds of avocados are purchased for Cinco de Mayo celebrations, more than any other time of the year! (from Bryan University website)

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo is a lot of fun but it is only once a year.  However, another celebration takes place every week that should be just as lively and spirited. It is a festival of worship where millions gather globally to celebrate God.

Henry Sloane Coffin wrote, “If there is one characteristic more than others that contemporary public worship needs to recapture it is this awe before the surpassingly great and gracious God.” I feel Eugene Peterson translated Psalm 150 with a similar thought, that worship is a festive time of celebration.

“Hallelujah! Praise God in his holy house of worship, praise him under the open skies;

Praise him for his acts of power, praise him for his magnificent greatness;

Praise with a blast on the trumpet, praise by strumming soft strings;

Praise him with castanets and dance, praise him with banjo and flute;

Praise him with cymbals and a big bass drum, praise him with fiddles and mandolin.

Let every living, breathing creature praise God! Hallelujah!”

Now that is a celebration, and we get to do it Sunday after Sunday. “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Ps 118:24

God welcomes all who will come to join in the celebration, and it doesn’t matter the age, gender, social influence, economic condition, ethnicity, or education. “When we worship together as a community of living Christians, we do not worship alone, we worship ‘with all the company of heaven.’” (Marianne Micks)

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-24 NIV)

Job celebrated in worship even when he found himself in a desperate situation. With everything he loved gone, “Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship.” (Job 1:20)

A poor widow celebrated in worship even in an economic crisis. Jesus “saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins…she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21:1-4)

Paul and Silas celebrated in worship even in a hopeless situation. They were stripped, beaten, thrown into prison, and put in the inner dungeon cell with feet fastened in the stocks. Yet they were found, “praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” (Acts 16:22-25)

Jesus celebrated in worship even when He knew pain and suffering lay ahead. “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42)

Whether you celebrate Cinco de Mayo or not, it will not be a life-changing experience. However, celebrating God in worship will be a life-changing experience. Dallas Willard in The Great Omission said it well, “The first and most basic thing we can and must do is to keep God before our minds…This is the fundamental secret of caring for our souls. Our part in thus practicing the presence of God is to direct and redirect our minds constantly to Him…. If God is the great longing of our souls, He will become the polestar of our inward beings.”

Together we celebrate in worship as one “great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language” because “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” In this celebration of worship, we can echo the words of the heavenly angels, “Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”

God is great!


Fragrance of Real Value

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. Psalm 141:2

Oh, the sweet aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven, the inviting smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning and the newly cut grass on a warm Saturday afternoon. Just as there are comfort foods, there are certain smells that touch the deepest parts of your soul.

McDonald’s fully grasps the power of smells. Fast food giant McDonald’s launched a new and rather quirky marketing campaign in the Netherlands. They have found a way to recreate the smell of their fries through a billboard. According to a company press release, “For decades, McDonald’s has seduced taste buds around the globe, making it one of the most beloved and recognizable brands out there. But the brand realized that there’s something just as memorable for consumers as their golden arches, products, or jingle: their smell.”

McDonald’s Netherlands placed a series of plain yellow and red billboards in Utrecht and Leiden that appear blank until passers-by are within a few feet and they are greeted by the distinct aroma of McDonald’s French Fries coming from inside the billboard. The billboards were strategically placed to trigger cravings close to a restaurant. “When every brand is targeting eyeballs, McDonald’s targets noses.”

Stijn Mentrop-Huliselan, CMO McDonald’s Netherlands, states: “McDonald’s is all about Good Times. We are well known for our distinctive brand assets that they are mostly visual. Smell has been proven to be more effective at sparking clear and emotional memories than images. With the inclusion of this next sense in our advertising, we found a new way to remind people of Good Times at McDonald’s.” (McDonald’s press release)

What value does the world put on a scent? For McDonald’s, it is worth millions if people are triggered to buy their food. For the wealthy, it may be a bottle of Clive Christian No. 1 which holds the title for the most expensive perfume that retails at $2,350 per ounce. However, far more extravagant is the value that God places upon the incense that comes from those who worship Him.

Living in a broken and ugly world we can become Christ’s aroma.  We become an aroma that attracts some to life but repels others. For those attracted, we become life.  “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” (2 Cor 2:14-15)

Living in a broken and ugly world we can become the incense of prayer. God hears the prayers of his followers who stand in the gap of hopelessness. What a beautiful and powerful picture of heavenly hosts holding golden bowls of the incense of prayers that may seem weak to us but are received by God as a sweet aroma.  “Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.” (Rev 5:8)

Living in a broken and ugly world we can become the aroma of worship. Jesus facing the closing days of his earthly ministry, was preparing his disciples when Mary interrupted the dinner in an act of worship. Pouring a bottle of expensive perfume upon Jesus, it became a holy time of worship. A costly fragrance that would have lingered for days reminding house guests of Jesus.  “And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.” (ref John 12:1-11)

It would be the sweet smell of worship that would stir God’s heart for Noah. As Noah and his family walked out of the Ark to begin again, he would first stop and worship. It was through his act of worship that “The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.” (Gen 8:21)

Smells can bring comfort, disgust, and warning depending upon the source. Freshly baked bread will stir hunger while the smell of rotten eggs alerts us to a natural gas leak. Yet as incenses rise to God from our acts of worship and prayer, what a beautiful reminder of who we are in God. We can become the fragrance that permeates all of life for Jesus. An aroma of worship that reminds us of our hope and future in God. Are we the fragrance of life or death?

These words from CeCe Winans song, Worthy Of It All, “Day and night, night and day, let incense arise” remind us of prayerful worship:

“All the saints and angels bow before Your throne

All the elders cast their crowns before the Lamb of God and sing

Lord, You’re worthy

From the rising of the sun to the going down of the sun

Day and night, night and day, let incense arise

Day and night, night and day, let incense arise

You are worthy of it all” (CeCe Winans, Worthy of It All

Dear Jesus, help me to spread Thy fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with Thy spirit and love. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of Thine. (Daily prayer of St. Teresa of Calcutta)

Together we can become Christ’s sweet fragrance, bringing life to a broken and ugly world.

God is great!


God’s Gift of Time

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

If I only had a little more time! These words have echoed across centuries – just a few more minutes would help. Richard Swenson in his book Margin wrote, “Forty years ago, futurists peering into their crystal balls were still predicting that one of the biggest problems for coming generations would be what to do with their abundant spare time. I remember hearing this prediction often. In 1967, for example, testimony before a Senate subcommittee claimed that by 1985 people could be working just twenty-two hours a week or twenty-seven weeks a year. Exactly when they stopped talking this way I am not sure, but they did stop. No one sits around today trying to figure out how to spend their free time. On the contrary, the topic of conversation is usually how to get some. Virtually everyone I know is time desperate.”

Thankfully the world timekeepers have heard your plight and are working on a plan. Unfortunately, they are going to take time from you. Clocks may have to skip a second—called a “negative leap second”—around the year 2029. This will be the first time in history timekeepers have had to consider subtracting time from the clock. Daylight saving time doesn’t count since they take an hour but give it back to you in the fall. In an article in the journal, Nature said it is due to the planet rotating just a tad faster than it used to.

Duncan Agnew wrote, “This is an unprecedented situation and a big deal. It’s not a huge change in the Earth’s rotation that’s going to lead to some catastrophe or anything, but it is something notable. It’s yet another indication that we’re in a very unusual time.” (from an article by Seth Borenstein)

Seconds didn’t make a difference in life until atomic clocks were adopted as the official time standard in 1959.  Judah Levine of the National Institute of Standards and Technology wrote, “The fights are so serious because the stakes are so small.”

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) does a great job keeping America on time. Two people can look at their Apple watches and be synchronized. We take uniform time for granted now, unlike the 1800s. At high noon on October 18, 1883, William Allen united a nation, not politically but by setting their watches.  Until then every train station set its clocks by the sun so it could be noon in New York, 11:58 in Trenton, and 11:56 in Camden. It took eight years for Allen to convince the nation to adopt the time zones that we have today.

There is no question that trains and planes need to run on synchronized schedules, that stores should open on time, and that you know when to get to your meeting as scheduled. However, the writer of Ecclesiastes captured a more important time zone outside the NIST-designated time zones, God’s time zone. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 gives a great list of God’s time zones, “a time to.” Mabel Boggs Sweet, mother of writer Leonard Sweet put it wisely, “God’s clock keeps perfect time.”

Time may have been easier when people depended upon the sundial and they went to bed when it got dark. However as far back as 200 BC people complained about not having enough time. Roman playwright Plautus turned anger into poetry:

“The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish hours!

Confound him, too,  who in this place set up a sun-dial

To cut and hack my days so wretchedly into small portions.”

Even though He operates on eternal time, God created earth and life to be in time segments. “A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:4) I think God is pretty smart to give us training wheels for time as we prepare for what eternity time looks like.  Segments of time are understandable for our finite minds and beautifully lay the foundation for helping us appreciate the concept of eternity.

Ancient civilizations may have understood the value of time better than our modern world. They lived their life in segments of days, seasons, years, and finally death. Our modern civilization may have time down to the microsecond and even track those seconds perfectly but somehow in our micro timekeeping, are we in danger of losing the very value of time and far worse, the hope of eternity?

In his book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer writes, “When the sun set our rhythms of work and rest, it did so under the control of God; but the clock is under the control of the employer, a far more demanding master…I used to read biographies of great men and women from history who got up to pray at four o’clock in the morning—Saint Teresa of Avila, John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon. I would think, Wow, they are way more serious about Jesus than I am. True, but then I realized that they went to bed at seven o’clock! After nine hours of sleep, what else was there to do?”

Moses understood the blessing of time:

“Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures…Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:10a,12)

Peter understood the blessing of time:

“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:8-9)

God understood the blessing of time:

[God] has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  Ecc 3:11

Time! What a great gift from God. Time, may we use it wisely to savor the beauty of creation, listen well to the sounds of life, and pause just a little to reflect upon all the blessings of God.

God is great!